DD >> BA

DD >> BA

Why Dynamic Drivers Simply Rule Over Balanced Armatures, and Why Hybrids Are Weak Sauce OK, many know that we are NOT fans of balanced armatures (BAs).  If you’ve ever been to a show and seen us, you’ve probably heard us loudly state BAs are of the Devil.  Well – time to show you why we…

Nuts About Neon

Nuts About Neon

A Deep Dive Into The Bright Lights of Neon Everyone wants Bluetooth. And this is our take on a quality Bluetooth receiver. Neon is a wonder of a small device. It’s deceptively small and simple, but inside there’s a large assortment of great features, creative engineering, and downright “that shouldn’t be possible” type stuff. So…

See The Sebum?

See The Sebum?

We’re going to talk about sebum. “See what?” you say? Sebum. No, it’s not a Beavis and Butthead pun/joke, it’s real stuff. More commonly known as: “Ear Wax” Yep. Bet ya didn’t stop to think there’s a technical name to that gunky yellowish stuff in your ears! Your mom probably never told you to clean…

MQ ehh?

MQ ehh?

Our feelings on MQA as a format and technology – and what we do with regards to MQA MQA is a relatively new standard introduced in 2014. MQA stands for Master Quality Authenticated. It sure sounds impressive – who wouldn’t want their audio to have master quality? But the problem is, we’re engineers. We’re scientists….

How does Rhodium stack up against a high-end DAC?

How does Rhodium stack up against a high-end DAC?

We put Rhodium through the paces against the well-know AudioQuest Dragonfly Black. The results were quite informative… The AudioQuest Dragonfly Black is a USB headphone DAC/amp, and is often recommended at the low price of $129. AudioQuest is a legendary name in the audiophile world, so how does our little Rhodium DAC stack up against…

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